Later this week there will be some prototype photos posted of a new iPhone product to be available soon - the RiVR.

RiVR stands for Rollins iPhone Video Rig. Designed to cradle the iPhone securely, it has a handle for stability and an accessory light for those low- to no-light situations (and maybe accessory lenses if we can cram them in).
It will dramatically improve video quality (and even still photos too), in a compact, inexpensive package.
Plans are to offer it for the original iPhone, but primarily for the iPhone 3G and 3GS.
Note that for video recording on the iPhone 3G, you need iPhoneVideoRecorder3G.
Note that for video recording on the original iPhone you need Cycorder.
Oh, and to install these your iPhone must be jailbroken.
And be aware that according to Apple, if you jailbreak your iPhone you could end civilization as we know it, or at least violate the DMCA.
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